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Vransko Lake (Vransko Jezero)

The Vransko Lake (Vransko Jezero) ist the biggest inland lake in Croatia and a natural preserve.


The lake is situated near the adriatic coast.The south bank of the lake begins just north of the town Pirovac at the crossroad called Prosika and its northern banks end in the northeast of the town Pakostane.

At the road junction Prosika an open water canal connects the lake with the adriatic sea.
If the water in the lake gets to high it can drain off into the sea.

Vransko Lake is famous for its natural beauty and the abundance of fish. It is a natural habitat for waterbirds and for their protection the lake district became an natural preserve.

You can explore the preserve along the bank of the lake on the bikeways.


Bikeway along Vransko Lake (48 km)

The easiest access to the Vransko Lake is given either at the road junction Prosika or at the town Pakostane. 

The road junction Prosika or rather the so-called water canal Prosika (which links the inland lake with the adriatic sea) is approx. 2 km away from our guest house along the coastal road in the direction of Zadar.

The northern bank of the lake Vransko Lake is located near the town Pakostane: bikeway.